Adoption Update


Michael and I have been married for almost 6 years.  I always knew that God had adoption in my story.  We actually talked about it during our pre-marital counseling.  I remember looking at Michael and saying, “If this isn’t your heart, there is still time to call this off.”  (What can I say?  When God tells you something, you have to do it!)  I am very administrative and a big planner.  Michael and I made a life plan to get married and then have 1-2 children before we adopted.  We have been trying for a couple of years, but have not given birth to a child. 

While in my quiet time right after the start of the year, I felt like the Lord was telling me to give him my life plan; something very difficult for a planner like me.  I remember closing my Bible and walking in to my unsuspecting husband and saying, “I think God wants us to go forward with adoption first.”  To my utter surprise, my change hating husband looked at me and said, “Lets’ do it!”  

Where we are in the adoption process: We have researched like crazy.  I saw a 20/20 special about little baby girls in orphanages in China due to the cultural emphasis to have a boy and one child law.  We contacted Bethany about the possibility of adopting from China, but due to our age, we are unable to even submit paperwork.  We continued to pray and I spoke to a friend who had adopted through foster care.  We filled out the preliminary paperwork to express interest in a foster-adoption and drove in the ice storm to meet with our social worker, just to learn after arriving that she had canceled our meeting and would not be able to talk to us for 4-6 weeks.   

Although the process has been frustrating, I believe that God is ordaining and ordering our steps.  We believe God has a specific child for us and every door that closes is one step closer to helping us find him or her.  Today I exchanged emails with a different agency.  The directors are from the same denomination that our church is affiliated with, so that feels nice.  I don’t know what’s next, I just know that we are trying our best to be open to God’s plan and his will for our lives.  We are “trying” and pursuing adoption at the same time, which is a little crazy, but we feel like it is just allowing God to do what he wants.  Worst case scenario would be two kids at the same time…and we’re okay with that.  So….that’s my update.  🙂  Keep praying!

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