My Little Valentine


Today my husband is working a double so I spent the holiday with my little valentine. We had lunch with an old friend, ran errands, and helped Auntie Jackie get ready for Isabela’s baby dedication tomorrow. Ben talked to the girls at lunch, called Mim (my mom) and Jackie by name, and was able to entertain himself while I helped Jackie. He was pleasant the entire day, which for a 2 year old takes incredible strength and effort.

Tonight as I prayed over him at bedtime I just started to cry. Everything just hit me as we rocked in the chair beside his crib.

I remembered being so overwhelmed when we first got this little guy. We had asked for a non special needs baby as a first placement. Although he had came into care with no diagnosis, I immediately knew that something wasn’t right. I took him to the pediatrician week two and he tested far into the autism spectrum. He couldn’t make eye contact, couldn’t eat properly, wouldn’t sleep, cried if I walked out of the room, and was non verbal. There were so many of those first nights that I rocked him to sleep thinking, can we do this?
I had almost forgotten those first days but God reminded me tonight at bedtime. As I rocked him, I just saw that little boy last summer. I saw his curly, out of control hair and his vacant eyes. Then I thought of the boy I played with today. I thought of My SON.

This little boy is my joy and is doing so well. God is so faithful.
Happy Valentines Day!


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