

Okay, so this is really a continuation of my last post.  It’s been a couple of weeks since I received the letter in which God totally replied to my prayers though this awesome woman named Anna.  If you haven’t read it, really go back and read it. 

Fast forward to last week when I went to the post office.  I went to buy ONE stamp.  (I had lost my booklet of stamps and had to send my rent check, so I only wanted ONE because I am cheap and was going to look for the booklet later.)  When I arrive the office is closed, so I end up having to buy a booklet again from the kiosk.  I chuck it up and pay for the booklet, but when I went to grab the stamps, I have an extra handful of stamps.  I look around and no one is there, weight the morality of it all, and decide to keep them. 

When I get home, the newsletter from the healthcare ministry that I am in had arrived.  I open it up and started reading.  I turn a page and see the list of names of families that have lost children to miscarriage or still birth and my heart breaks.  Just a few months ago, that was my name.  Those aren’t just names…those are broken, hurting people just like me.  I remembered how much Anna’s letter had meant to me.

So I did what I thought I should do, I prayed and then I grabbed a card and a stamp and sent one mother a card.  I told her the things that I needed to hear.   I told them, what I keep telling myself, day after day.

I counted the names on the list.  Then I counted the stamps.  The same. 

So, today I am Anna.  I am writing all these mommies to let them know that they are not forgotten.  With each card, I feel a little more whole.  All it took was stamps.